
  • Release date : Mar 15 2014 - 14:31
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The Persian Comprehensive Urology Textbook Unveiled

The Persian Comprehensive Urology Textbook authored at the SBMU Center for Excellence was unveiled. While commemorating the late Professor Saeed Malek (also known as Loghman- Al- Molk; the father of urology in Iran), it was noted at the ceremony that the textbook has been authored based on the evidence and documents, and medical records of Iranian patients, so its importance doubles as it shows the problems native in Iran.

At the ceremony, Professor Ali Reza Yalda, SBMU Professor Emeritus while mentioning that the textbook has been the joint work of 116 specialists and physicians, noted that authoring such a textbook is a very difficult task.  

  • News group : PublicNews
  • News code : 8952